Muhallebi (Turkish Milk Pudding)

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How time flies… I cannot believe that I have published my last post a month ago! There are several reasons why it has been so quiet here, first of all it was so warm that I could not motivate myself to sit down and write, and secondly I have been (and still am) on a diet due to health problems. Nothing to worry about, but I have to eat healthier, and reduce my daily sugar intake to the minimum. Not easy when you love sweet treats and chocolate…I realize however, that this is only good for my well-being and my health, and after two weeks my cravings for sweets have reduced to a minimum, and after four weeks now I really can say that I feel fantastic, and have also lost weight, yay!  But lets get back to today’s recipe: Muhallebi. It is a recipe that has been waiting to be published  for a while…Unfortunately this -very sweet- type of dessert is not going to be made at our home so soon again, but I recommend you to try it, it is delicious!
Muhallebi is a milk pudding thickened with rice flour or cornstarch. It may optionally be perfumed with rosewater or orange flour water, you may add chopped pistacchios, almonds, cinnamon, chocolate as well as mastic gum (mastic gum pudding). It is very easy to make and tastes best refrigerated.
Muhallebi 1 Blog

 Muhallebi (Turkish Milk Pudding)

Ingredients (makes 4)

 500 ml milk
40 grams of rice flour
1 teaspoon rosewater
60 grams of sugar
chopped pistacchios or cinnamon (up to taste)



  1. Mix the milk and sugar in a large saucepan and heating slowly, so as not to burn the milk, bring to a simmer.
  2. Make a slurry by dissolving the rice flour in some water and, stirring constantly, slowly add this mixture to the simmering milk.
  3. Simmer gently for 15 to 20 minutes, stirring frequently, until the mixture has thickened sufficiently to coat a spoon. Remove from the heat.
  4. Stir in the rose water.
  5. Pour into small ramekins and refrigerate until chilled and set.
  6.  Garnish with the chopped pistachios (or cinnamon)
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Ne mogu da vjerujem da je prošlo već mjesec dana od mog posljednjeg posta! Vrijeme tako brzo prolazi, ali nisam ni svjesna bila da je toliko vremena prošlo… Jedan od razloga mog pauziranja je prije svega bio period nesnošljivih vrućina, koje bih vrlo lako podnosila da sam negdje na moru, ali ovako je to bila osrednja katastrofa za mene… Inače obožavam ljeto, ali bilo je ipak prevruće! Što zbog vrućina, što zbog dijete koju mi je ljekar preporučio, nisam pretjerano često palila pećnicu, živjeli smo na salatama, LC kruhu, voćnim jogurtima.  Ne mogu reći da nisam imala krize za čokoladom, za kolačima, ali sad, nakon četiri tjedna stroge dijete se osjećam mnogo bolje i  izgubio se već i koji kilogram… Ali, vratimo se današnjem receptu za Muhallebi, meni omiljenom turskom desertu. Muhallebi su pudinzi od rižinog brašna ili od kukuruznog škroba, aromatizirani ružinom vodom ili narančom. Ili  čokoladom :) Mogu se dodati cimet ili sjeckani pistaci, po želji.
Ovaj recept mi već duže vrijeme čeka u draftu, i danas sam slučajno naletjela na fotografije, pa sam odlučila da ga podijelim s vama: 
Mullahebi 2 Blog


Sastojci (za 4 zdjelice)

500 ml mlijeka 
40 g rižinog brašna
60 g šećera
1 žličica ružine vode 
sjeckane pistacije ili cimet (po želji)


1.  U loncu izmiješati mlijekom sa šećerom, kuhati na maloj vatri, konstantno miješajući, dok mlijeko ne prokuha. 
2. U malo vode razmutiti rižino brašno, te postepeno uliti u mlijeko sa šećerom. 
3. Pustiti da kuha na najmanjoj vatri 15 do 20 minuta, neprestano miješajući puding. Paziti da ne zagori.
4. Dodati ružinu vodu (ako ne volite, izostavite).
5. Zgusnuti puding raspodijeliti u male zdjelice, pustiti da se ohladi u frižideru.
6. Prije serviranja posuti sjeckanim pistacijama ili cimetom.

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