Today I will not post any recipe. I thought it might be of interest to show some photos from Vienna’s best-known market: the Naschmarkt. I will share some impressions of our latest visit to the Naschmarkt. Well, it’s still all about food! ;) It has around 120 market stands and restaurants for a colorful culinary offering ranging from Viennese, Indian, from Italian to Vietnamese. The Naschmarkt has developed into a meeting point for young and old! Named the „city’s stomach“ by locals, the Naschmarkt, a food and flea market, has existed since the 18th century and is Vienna’s largest inner city market. You can buy everything to do with food: fruit and vegetables, meat and fish, bread and cheese as well as also delicatessen such as Persian caviar, sushi and oysters, as well as a colourful display of international produce, especially from the countries of former Yugoslavia, Greece, Turkey, Japan and China. If the sight of all this bounty makes you hungry, you can eat right in the Naschmarkt at a choice of restaurants. And on Saturdays it is most interesting to visit the most famous flea market in Vienna, which is held right next door. It is worth visiting even if you don’t want to buy anything! A good idea is sitting outdoors on the Naschmarkt in summer, eating and drinking and just watching people.:)
WiensbekanntesterMarkt hatrund 120Marktständeund Restaurants und verfügt über ein bunteskulinarisches Angebot und reicht von wiener, über indischen, vietnamesischen, bis zu italienischen Köstlichkeiten. DerNaschmarkthat sich zu einemTreffpunktfür Jung und Altentwickelt. Seit dem 18.Jahrhundert ist der Naschmarkt Wiensgrößter innerstädtischerMarkt. Hier kann alles gekauft werden,wasmit Essen zu tun hat: Obst und Gemüse, Fleisch und Fisch, Brot und Käse aber auch viele andere Köstlichkeiten wie zb. persischer Kaviar,Sushi und Austern. Man kann auch eine einebunte Auswahl an internationalen Spezialitäten aus den Ländern des ehemaligenJugoslawiens, Griechenland, Türkei, Japan undChina bestaunen, probieren- und selbstverständlich kaufen!:) Der Anblick allein macht mich (und sicher nicht nur mich :) hungrig, und fast immer endet mein Einkauf in einem der kleinen Restaurants auf der rechten Seite des Naschmarkts. Am Samstagist es für mich am interessantesten, da der wohlberühmtesteFlohmarktinWien (gleich nebenan) stattfindet. Man muß ja nicht ubedingt etwas kaufen, gell? :D Obwohl, beim Stöbern finde ich fast immer etwas kleines und feines ;).
Bečka najpoznatija pijaca/tržnica sa više od 120 prodajnih mjesta („štandova“ ;) i ne malog broja restorana nudi veliki izbor hrane, voća i povrća, začina, morskih plodova iz cijelog svijeta, možete ovdje pronaći sve -od austrijskih, prekoindijskih, vijetnamskih, do talijanskih specijaliteta.
Naschmarkt je postaookupljalište zamlade i stare.
Već od 18. stoljeća pa sve do danas je Naschmarkt najveća i najpoznatija tržnica/ pijaca u Beču.Ovdjese sve možekupiti, što ima vezes hranom: voće i povrće, meso i riba, kruh isir imnoge drugedelikatesekao npr. perzijskikavijar, sushi i ostrige.Također možete uživati u širokom izboru internacionalne kuhinjeiz zemaljabivše Jugoslavije, Grčke, Turske, Japana, Kine… Nakon svake posjete Naschmarkt-u ja i moj dragi navratimo u jedan od mnogobrojnih restorana, jer toliko ogladnimo gledajući sve ove poslastice.;) Subotom je najzabavnije otići, jer tik uz Naschmarkt otvara najpoznatijibuvljaku Beču. Meni lično bude jako zanimljivo zbog knjiga i starinskog suđa i posuđa. Ponekad se tu mogu naći prekrasne stvari! Današnji post je bez recepta, evo nekoliko slika sa naše posljednje posjete prekjučer (po najvećoj vrućini, puuh) …