A Trip to Lainzer Tiergarten & Frozen Kiwi Pops
Last weekend was a long weekend for us, three free days with my husband, we had wonderful weather in Austria and so we decided to go out and enjoy nature & culture on our free days. The first day we spent in Schönbrunn Palace and Gardens, but unfortunately I had no camera with me that day. I forgot it, shame on me! The second day we decided to visit the Lainzer Tiergarten. Here are some facts (source: Wikipedia) that might be of interest: The Lainzer Tiergarten, is a 24.50 km² wildlife preserve in the southwest corner of Vienna, Austria, and 80% of it being covered in woodland. It dates back to 1561, when Ferdinand I of Austria created it as a fenced-in hunting ground for his family to use. Since 1919, it has been open to the public. Its name consists of its location by the Lainz district of Vienna’s 13th District, and Tiergarten, which means zoo (literally, „animal garden“). Today the Lainzer Tiergarten is home to between 800 and 1,000 wild boars 200 to 250 fallow deer approximately 700 mouflons, and 80 to 100 red deer (elk).
There is one museum located within Lainzer Tiergarten: the Hermesvilla. Emperor Franz Joseph I gave it to his wife Empress Elisabeth (nicknamed „Sisi“), and he called it the „castle of dreams.“ The name of the villa refers to a statue of Hermes made of white marble that is located in the garden of the villa. Today, the Hermesvilla is noted for its art and natural setting, and is used by the Vienna Museum for special exhibitions on cultural history.
It was a fun day, no stress, just exploring and enjoying… If you have the chance to visit Lainzer Tiergarten, do it, you will love it!!
Prošli, produženi vikend smo suprug i ja proveli opušteno, bez stresa, iskoristili smo maksimalno lijepe, sunčane dane, uglavnom u prirodi. U nedjelju smo posjetili palaču i vrtove Schönbrunna, Gloriettu iznad parka, i Paviljon Palmi, ali sam nažalost zaboravila fotoaparat pa ćete mi na riječ morati povjerovati da je bilo prelijepo.:) Imam u planu da nekad napišem post o Schönbrunn-u, a pošto nerijetko odemo u šetnju prekrasnim vrtovima, biće sigurno prilike da to i lijepo fotografiram. U ponedjeljak smo po prvi put posjetili zoološki vrt „Lainzer Tiergarten“, i to smo povezali s razgledavanjem dvorca i muzeja Hermesvilla.
Ako vam se nekad pruži prilika da posjetite Lainzer Tiergarten i dvorac Hermesvilla, obavezno posjetite muzej, gdje se redovno organiziraju izložbe, ili posjetitie privatne odaje carice Elizabeth „Sisi“. Evo i nekoliko sličica…:) Na kraju posta ćete naći i receptić za savršeno osvježavajuće „grickalice“s kivijem za tople dane. Uživajte!
Hermesvilla- front view |
Fountain in the courtyard of the Villa |
Garden impressions |
Restaurant „Artner“ in the Hermesvilla |
Coffee break :) |
Posing with M. :) |
And last, but not least, a very easy recipe, more an idea for frozen treats: Frozen Kiwi Pops! Dip a fruit of your choice (kiwi, strawberry, banana) in melted chocolate and freeze, it is so easy and delicious!
Frozen Kiwi Chocolate Pops
Potrebno je:
kiwi (2-3 komada)
drveni štapići
(u nedostatku štapića za sladoled sam upotrijebila čačkalice-
ako pravite djeci, naravno one ne dolaze u obzir!)
čokolada po izboru (kvalitetnija)
1 žlica ulja
kokos (po želji)
Isjeći kiwi na deblje kolutove, ako su prekiseli, pošećeriti, poredati na papir za pečenje.
Staviti u zamrzivač otprilike 20-30 minuta.
U međuvremenu istopiti čokoladu na pari, i dodati žlicu ulja.
U napola smrznute kolutove kivija zabosti štapić, pa umočiti u otopljenu čokoladu. Po želji uvaljati u kokos.
Poredati na papir za pečenje i vratiti u zamrzivač da se stegne.
Prije serviranja izvaditi i staviti u frižider 5-10 minuta, da kivi malo popusti, onda su najljepši! Uživati :)