Christmassy Jam Handpies/ Školjkice punjene džemom
The Holiday season is based on traditions at our home. We have a traditional christmas tree, we have family recipes for cookies and cakes that are being prepared only for Christmas, and Christmas Dinner would not be complete without our beloved Sarma (stuffed cabbage rolls with minced meat and rice) and stuffed turkey with roasted potatoes and roasted vegetables. This year it will be chicken instead of turkey, fish is an alternative… I have not decided yet, as this year me and hubby are spending Christmas Eve without the rest of our family. Hubby is working over the holidays and we are not going to make it this year, my family lives 600 km away from us, and hubby’s family around 900 km, and there is no chance to get there on time. Spending Christmas Eve without my nephews, nieces, parents or brother and sister does not make me happy at all, but that is the way it is and we are all going to make the best of it…
Today I am sharing another family recipe, an old-fashioned type of jam handpies, that my grandmother used to bake when I was a child. Back then I would love to eat them with a glass of milk, and I still do! These are wonderfully soft, not too sweet, and, when filled with homemade jam these beauties will put a smile onto your face everytime you bite into one of it :) I filled them with homemade hibiscus marmelade and apple pumpkin jam, love them both.
For about 50 handpies you will need:
- 250 g butter (cut into cubes)
- 500 g plain flour, sifted
- 125 g sour cream (I use the one with 15% fat, but 10% would be fine as well)
- 1-2 teaspoons of milk (if needed)
For the filling:
- jam of your choice
- icing sugar for dusting
1. Preheat oven to 180°C/ 350 F.
2. Knead butter cubes into flour, add sour cram, then knead by hand until well combined.
Depending on the flour, if you think your dough is too dry, you might need to add some milk
(1-2 teaspoons), not more.
(1-2 teaspoons), not more.
3. Roll out the dough to about 1-3 mm, cut into circles with a mold (or use a glass), 8-10 cm in diameter.
4. Repeat the process until used up the dough.
5. Place some jam into the center, then fold the edges of the circle to get a semi-circle.
6. Fold and pinch the edges shut with a fork, and place them on a baking sheet.
7. Bake at 180°C/ 350 F 8-10 minutes. They need to stay very light brown.
8. Roll warm handpies into powdered sugar or a mixuter of vanilla and powdered sugar.
9. Stored in airtight containers they will stay fresh for two weeks. Enjoy!
Nastavljam s jednim od meni najdražih recepata za blagdanske kolačiće, osim cimetnih zvjezdica s bademima redovno za Božić pečem i školjkice, obično s punjenjem od domaćeg džema, mada su sigurno i podjednako dobre s orasima, makom ili čokoladnim punjenjem. Starinski recept, odavno u mojoj svesci recepata, sigurno već više od 20 godina, meni jako drag i neodoljivo fin, i rado bih ove kolačiće pravila i češće ali strogo izbjegavam jer uz čašu mlijeka ja počnem da ih jedem a ne mogu da se zaustavim. Sjajno je što ih spremljene u limenim kutijama možete držati dugo, svakim danom su sve ljepše…Ako ih neko ne potamani :-) Nažalost ove godine ne idem u posjet rodbini zbog suprugovih obaveza za vrijeme božićnih i novogodišnjih praznika, tako da će mnogi slatkiši biti upakirani u slatke paketiće za drage prijatelje i radne kolege, prošle godine sam prvi put poklanjala kolačiće i kekse i bilo je odlično prihvaćeno :-)
Za otprilike 50 komada potrebno je:
- 250 g maslaca (isjeckanog u kocke)
- 500 g oštrog brašna
- 125 g kisele pavlake (obično koristim s 15% masnoće, ali može i 10%)
- ev. 1-2 žlice mlijeka *
- džem po želji ( ja sam ih ovaj put punila domaćim džemom od šipka i džemom od jabuka i bundeve)
1. Zagrijati pećnicu na 180°C¨.
2. Kocke maslaca rukama umijesiti, dodati pavlaku i mijesiti dok se ne dobije glatko tijesto.
*Zavisi koje brašno upotrijebite moguće je da je potrebno dodati 1-2 žlice mlijeka, meni obično ne treba.
3. Razvaljati tijesto na oko 1-3 mm debljine, i kalupom (ako imate) ili čašom rezati krugove promjera 8-10 cm.
4. Ostatak tijesta ponovo zamijesiti pa ponoviti postupak dok ne potrošite tijesto.
5. Rukama svaki krug malo rastanjite, na jednu polovicu stavite džem (ili nadjev po želji).
6. Rubove kruge preklopite tako da dobijete polukrug. Rubove pritisnite vilicom da nadjev ne bi iscurio.
7. Kolačiće redati u pleh obložen papirom za pečenje.
8. Peći na 180°C 8-10 minuta, kolačići treba da ostanu svijetli.
9 Tople kolačiće uvaljati u šećer u prahu (ili mješavinom šećera u prahu i vanilin šećera). Prijatno!