Kaiserschmarrn (Emperor’s Pancake)
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Kaiserschmarrn is a classical austrian „torn“ pancake, a fluffy pancake served with powdered sugar and traditionally served with poached plums (Zwetschgenröster) or apple puree (Apfelmus). A Must-Try if you are visiting Austria :-) It is delicious, quite easy to prepare, and can be eaten as a dessert or a meal. Served with a glass of mulled wine (Glühwein) or punch- fantastic!
There are many legends about the origin and the name of this most famous Austrian dish. Some say the dessert was invented for the Emperor Franz Joseph I (1830 – 1916) in the course of one of his hunting excursions when he got astray and eventually found shelter in a farmhouse. The farmer’s wife was not really prepared for such a distinguished visitor. However, being an inventive woman, she served the emperor a ‚Holzfällerschmarrn‘, a usually humble meal, which she had refined with eggs, milk and fruit. That way the ordinary ‚Holzfällerschmarrn‘ was transformed into the noble ‚Kaiserschmarrn‘, hence the name Emperor’s Pancake. Another one suggests that a pancake, made by the court cook and indented for the emperor, did not turn out the way it should have. To remedy this mishap, the cook added some raisins and cherries to the torn pancake, served it with powdered sugar and made the emperor believe that it was a whole new culinary creation – which, of course, was total nonsense or ‚Schmarrn‘ as Austrians say. Thereafter, the dish was called ‚Kaiserschmarrn‘ everywhere in the empire.
![kschmarrn 6 MG_9100](http://tanjascookingcorner.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/kschmarrn-6-MG_9100.jpg)
- 50 g raisins
- 2 tablespoons rum (for adults), or 2,5 tablespoons water (for kids)
- 3 egg yolks
- 1 pack of vanilla sugar
- 0,5 tbsp sugar
- pinch of salt
- 125 g flour
- 250 ml milk
- 25 g melted butter
- 3 egg whites
- icing sugar for decoration
- applesauce (Apfelmus) or plum compote (Zwetschgenröster)
- Soak raisins in rum for half an hour (or water, for the children).
- Beat egg yolks, add vanilla sugar, a pinch of salt and 1 tablespoon sugar. Gradually stir in flour and milk. Then stir in melted butter.I try to save at least a few calories and basically leave the butter in the dough out- it's enough for me the butter used for baking. If you like it with more butter, just add it. Mix to a liquid, but viscous dough.
- Beat egg white until thoroughly stiff, then add it with a wooden spoon to the batter, combine. At the end add the raisins.
- In a non-stick frying pan melt butter, then pour in the dough (dough height about 1 cm). Bake on reduced heat until golden brown. Check regularly that the batter does not get to dark. When golden brown, tear it into small pieces (between 2-5 cm), then bake it properly. Sprinkle with iced sugar and serve it either with apple sauce (Apfelmus) or roasted plums (“Zwetschgenröster") .
![post divider black_2](http://tanjascookingcorner.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/post-divider-black_2.jpg)
Ljubitelji skijanja u Austriji itekako znaju kako da se okrijepe i snabdiju energijom koja je potrebna za naporne snježne staze, te uživaju u austrijskoj poslastici Kaiserschmarrn. Svoje ime po različitim predajam duguje Franji Josipu (1830 – 1916). Po jednom predavanju, jednom prilikom, kad je car zbog lošeg vremena neočekivano posjetio jednu siromašnu obitelj u jednom selu, seljanka, nemajući šta da ponudi, napravila je „Holzfällerschmarrn“(„šmarn za drvosječe“), dodala mu jaja, mlijeko i voće, i poslužila caru. Prema drugoj priči, dvorskom kuharu jednom prilikom palačinke nisu uspjele, pa je on istima dodao grožđice i obilno ih posuo šećerom, te ih poslužio kao svoju kreaciju. Tako je Kaiserschmarrn (carski drobljenac) dobio svoje ime.
Naročito zimi kaiserschmarrn predstavlja savršen desert uz domaće kuhano vino ili punč! Moja mama kajzeršmarn pravi redovno po ovom receptu za svoje unuke koji ga prosto obožavaju. Eto, ja, nažalost već godinama nisam bila zimi negdje na skijanju, ali sebi i dragom makar malo na ovaj način dočaram neki „Austro-apres-ski- flair“ kod kuće.
Ah da, pripremila sam i prvo kuhano vino ove godine za mene i M . Divno. Hiks ;-)
![kaiserschmarrn 2IMG_9127](http://tanjascookingcorner.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/kaiserschmarrn-2IMG_9127-682x1024.jpg)
- 50 g suhog grožđa
- 2 1/2 žlice ruma (za odrasle) ili vode (za djecu)
- 3 žumanjka
- 1 vanilin šećer
- pola žlice šećera
- pola žličice soli
- 125 g brašna
- 250 ml mlijeka
- 25 g istopljenog maslaca
- 3 bjelanjka
- šećer u prahu
- Prilog: mus od jabuka ili džem od prženih šljiva
- Priprema:
- Grožđice natopiti pola sata u rumu ili vodi.
- Izmutiti 3 žumanjka, so, šećer izmutiti mikserom, i onda polako dodavati brašno i mlijeko.
- Na kraju u tijesto dodati istopljeni maslac (*možete i izostaviti: maslac nije potrebno stavljati u tijesto, dovoljno je malo staviti u teflon tavu zbog pečenja).
- Izmutiti 3 bjelanjka u drugoj posudi, pa ih lagano dodajte u smjesu, promiješajte da se sve lijepo sjedini. Na kraju dodati natopljene grožđice.
- U tavi istopite komadić maslaca i onda dodajte smjesu (debljine otprilike 1 cm). Na laganoj vatri pržiti s obje strane kao palačinke dok ne dobije zlatnosmeđu boju. Češće kontrolirajte da donja strana ne zagori.
- Kada se tijesto zapeče sa obje strane, plastičnom, drvenom varjačom (ili viljuškam)a istrgajte tijesto u komade, još malo ga dopržite. Pospite malo šećera (po želji) preko tijesta, promiješajte i pustite da malo karamelizira. Vruć Kaiserschmarrn pospite šećerom u prahu i servirajte odmah. Po želji servirati s musom od jabuka, džemom od prženih šljiva ili kompotom od šljiva.
- Uživati uz šalicu čaja, kuvanog vina ili punč!
![post divider black_2](http://tanjascookingcorner.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/post-divider-black_2.jpg)
- Zutaten für 2 Personen:
- 50 g Rosinen
- 2,5 EL Rum für Erwachsene, 2,5 EL Wasser für Kinder :)
- 3 Eigelb
- 1 Pkg Vanillezucker
- 0,5 EL Zucker
- Prise Salz
- 125 g Mehl
- 250 ml Milch
- 25 g zerlassene Butter
- 3 Eiweiß
- Puderzucker
- Beilage: Apfelmus oder Zwetschkenröster
- Zubereitung:
- Rosinen ca. eine halbe Stunde in Rum oder Wasser einweichen.
- Das Eigelb mit dem Mixer zusammen mit dem Vanillezucker, einer Prise Salz und 1 EL Zucker schaumig aufschlagen. Nach und nach Mehl und Milch einrühren. Anschließend die zerlassene Butter einrühren. *die Butter im Teig kann man weglassen- es reicht die Butter, die zum Ausbacken verwendet wird.
- Das Eiweiß zu einem festen Eischnee aufschlagen und mit einem Löffel langsam aber gründlich unter die Teigmasse heben. Am Ende die Rosinen hinzugeben.
- In einer beschichteten Pfanne etwas Butter zerlassen und den Teig (ca. 1 cm hoch) eingießen. Bei reduzierter Hitze goldgelb anbacken lassen. Aufpassen und öfters kontrollieren, dass der Teig nicht anbrennt. Bevor der Teig aber ganz fest wird, mit zwei Gabeln oder Löffeln in kleine Stücke in der Pfanne zerreissen. Die kleinen Teilchen so lange wenden, bis sie rundherum goldbraun gebacken sind.Etwas Zucker auf den Teig geben, umrühren, kurz karamellisieren lassen.
- Den Kaiserschmarren aus der Pfanne nehmen und mit Puderzucker bestreuen und mit Apfelmus oder Zwetschgenröster warm servieren.
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