My new home & Fruit Berry Clafoutis

Hello foodies, hello world!  I want to welcome you to my new blog! After two years of blogging on bloggspot/blogger, and a year on (my german blog), it was time to move on.  I bought a domain name,  and the move to self-hosted is (almost) completed. There is still a lot of technical things to learn, some posts are still to transfer manually, one by one (!!!)  most of the older posts need to be renewed or some are incomplete, a lot of photos need to be transferred manually… This is going to take some time,  but I am working hard on it, so please be patient with me! If you are looking for some old recipes that do not show up here at the moment, please visit my old blog!  I am planning to run a multisite and want to publish posts in English, German and Croatian, but this will take a few days as I am still trying to figure out how it would be best/easiest to run for me, which would be the best way to incorporate recipes in 3 languages into my new blog. If any of you have suggestions/ideas how to do it, please let me know, I would be so happy to learn from you!

But lets go back to my first recipe published in my new „home“:  Fruit Berry Clafoutis. A french dessert, commonly made with cherries, but you can also use all kind of fruit, like apricots, raspberries, nectarines, plums or like in this case, with fruit berries. The recipe for raspberry nectarine clafoutis you can find here, the dough slightly differs from this one, here I used Creme Fraiche instead of milk, it makes it so much creamier making it  an absolutely gorgeous treat that will make you want to eat more and more :)



Fruit Berry Clafoutis
Serves 4
Fruit Berry Clafouts. A comforting French baked dessert.
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Total Time
30 min
Total Time
30 min
  1. 130 g Creme Fraiche
  2. 60 grams of brown sugar
  3. 2 eggs
  4. 220 grams of fruit berries
  5. 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence (I use homemade)
  6. butter (for the mold)
  7. icing sugar for dusting
  1. Preheat oven to 180° C. Whisk in the eggs with the sugar, whisking steadily. Add creme fraiche and vanilla essence, continue stirring. Coat the pie/quiche pans with butter, then place half of the batter into the dishes, arrange some fruit berries in them, Top with the remaining batter. The dough is of about the consistency of a light crepe batter. Arrange berres in a pattern over the batter. Bake for about 20 minutes. Be sure to watch the oven, as the clafouti should not get too brown. To serve, sprinkle with some icing sugar. It tastes best when still lukewarm. Enjoy!
  1. You could substitute the fruit berries for other soft fruit in season.



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Drugari, dobrodošli na moj novi blog na sopstvenom domenu! Nije me dugo bilo, evo više od mjesec dana, ali iz opravdanih razloga… Već duže vrijeme sam razmišljala da se „selim“, dvije godine na bloggeru, te godinu dana na (blog na njemačkom), uz neprestano razmišljanje kako da to sve lijepo spojim na jednom mjestu, što mi je , uz moje malo početničko (čitaj: nikakvo) znanje od kodovima i sl., u početku bilo više nego zastrašujuće, da ne zabrljam nešto opasno, slijedili su sati i sati čitanja i učenja, pomalo ulaženje u materiju, u svijet css-ova, kodova, kako najbolje transferirati blog i tako dalje,  to je bio podugačak proces koji još uvijek traje ali polako ali sigurno već dobija neku formu. Transfer završen, layout bloga završen, ali je ostalo dosta toga da se uradi, kao na primjer manuelno transferiranje starih postova i slika (neki se nisu dali prebaciti odjednom, ko zna zašto), ali se nadam da ću i to što prije završiti. Ako slučajno tražite neki stariji recept, a još ga nema tu, naći ćete ga na mom starom blogu. S obzirom da planiram da u ovaj blog ukomponiram i recepte na njemačkom i engleskom, trenutno sam u fazi istraživanja kako to najbolje i najefikasnije izvesti (a da ne zabrljam nešto, tehnički ;)).  Za svaku ideju/prijedlog/savjet kako bi se to moglo najbolje izvesti sam unaprijed zahvalna! 

No, da ne duljim, danas bih htjela podijeliti recept za clafoutis sa šumskim voćem, recept koji je već duže na mom repertoaru jer ga M. prosto obožava! Recept se malo razlikuje od recepta za clafoutis s malinama i nektarinama, pravi se bez brašna, umjesto mlijeka stavljam creme fraiche, i servirano toplo, idealan desert!


Clafoutis sa šumskim voćem
Serves 4
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Prep Time
5 min
Total Time
30 min
Prep Time
5 min
Total Time
30 min
  1. 2 jaja
  2. 60 g smeđeg šećera
  3. 1 žlica esencije vanilije (koristim domaću)
  4. 130 g Creme Fraiche
  5. maslac (za kalupiće)
  6. 220 g šumskog voća (svježeg, ili smrznutog)
  1. Zagrijati pećnicu na 180°C.
  2. Namastite kalupiće.
  3. Dobro izmutiti jaja sa šećerom, onda dodati creme fraiche i vanila esenciju.
  4. Naizmjenice stavite malo smjese, malo voća, opet smjesu, i na kraju voće.
  1. Najpoznatiji clafoutis je onaj sa trešnjama, ali se može praviti i sa drugim voćem, kao npr. šljivama, breskvama, jagodama, malinama...Clafoutis je gotov kada dobije zlatno smeđu boju. Najbolje servirati toplo sa malo šećera u prahu.

clafoutis_sig MG_6358

Enjoy T_Button Collage


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