Oven-Baked Plum Jam | Džem od šljiva iz rerne
It is plum time at the moment, and THE perfect moment to to turn all those sweet, juicy plums into a huge batch of jam. Nothing beats old-fashioned plum jam from the oven! It reminds me of my childhood, and my grandmother’s plum jam. Grandmother unfortunately never gave me her recipe, but this one comes very close to the original! With fresh baked bread (photo: a quick yoghurt bread), you will get a match made in heaven!
- 1.2 kg plums
- 60 - 100 g brown sugar (*depends on the sweetness of plums)
- dark rum (or amaretto liqueur- optional)
- cinnamon
- Preheat the oven to 180º C (no fan). Wash plums, remove stones and cut into halves. Put each plum on a baking tray (I use the one that came with the oven). Sprinkle the sugar and cinnamon evenly over the plums. Then sprinkle with rum or amaretto.
- Bake for about 35-45 minutes. There is no need to bake it longer. When the sugar combines with the juice well and syrupy, the jam is ready to be taken out from the oven. If you like smaller plum parts, mash them with a fork or potato mash.
- Pour the hot jam into sterilized jars, seal tightly and turn jars around for 10 minutes. Let cool.
- After opening a jar, keep the jam in the refrigerator.
Note: If you are looking for printable jam labels, check out my last year’s post :-)
Meni je bakin džem od šljiva iz rerne uvijek bio najdraži. Uz obaveznu čašu mlijeka, i svježi, domaći kruh to mi je uvijek bio najdraži doručak. Bakin recept nažalost nikad nisam tražila, ali sam eksperimentirajući, s godinama uspjela napraviti baš taj džem, i svake godine napravim nekoliko staklenki, kad se dočepam zrelih, sočnih šljiva :-)
Ingredients Instructions
Ako ste slučajno u potrazi za naljepnicama za marmelade, pogledajte moj prošlogodišnji post :-) Biće mi drago ako vam posluži i ako vam uljepša koju staklenku!:)