

Whenever I am visiting Bosnia, and that is at least once a year, one of the first things to do is visiting a typical bosnian restaurant. If you crave some Bosnian cuisine, and you are in Sarajevo,  be sure to visit one of the small local restaurants called aščinicait is the best way to enjoy a quick, delicious meal. Our favourite ašćinica is Aščinica ASDŽ, where, in my and my husband’s opinion the best typical local desserts are served. For more information and photos check out my post about my trip to Bosnia last summer. 

One of my favourite bosnian desserts, beside hurmašice, krempita, gurabije and halva are tufahije. Tufahije (singular: tufahija) is made of walnut or/and almond-stuffed apples stewed in water with lemon sugar, usually topped with whipped cream, and is very popular in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Serbia. Tufahije were introduced to the people in Balkans during the Ottoman rule, although the dessert originates from Persia.  It is very sweet, as many bosnian desserts are, so when I am making them at home, I usually reduce the sugar up to my taste.





Serves 6
Tufahije- walnut, or/and almond stuffed apples, served with whipped cream. A bosnian dessert.
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For sugar syrup (agda)
  1. 0,5 l water
  2. 0,5 kg sugar
  1. 6-7 apples
  2. juice+ zest of 1 lemon
  3. vanilla sugar, 1 pack
  4. 100 g ground walnuts
  5. 50 g ground almonds
  1. 250 ml whipped cream
  2. cherries, almonds or walnuts
  1. For the syrup: Add water, sugar and vanilla sugar into a middle sized pan, bring to a boil, simmer a few minutes. stirring to dissolve all the sugar. Add the lemon juice.
  2. Peel and core apples, place them in the sugar syrup. Simmer the apples until they are just soft enough to poke with a fork, about 5-10 minutes depending on their size and ripeness. Be sure not to overcook them. Remove and allow to cool (about 30 minutes).
  3. Meanwhile, coarsely chop the walnuts or/and almonds, add sugar, lemon zest, and about 150 ml whipped cream, and combine well. Stuff the apples with the mixture when they are cool enough to handle. Chill until ready to serve. Serve with whipped cream and cherries (or almonds or walnuts) on top.



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S obzirom da sam kod kuće imala ogromnu zdjelu punu jabuka, koje niko nije jeo, ovih dana sam napravila tufahije, koje jako volimo i ja i M., ali ih jako rijetko pravim, i obično ih se fino zaželim do svakog idućeg putovanja u Bosnu, gdje ih obično poručim prvi ili drugi  dan čim stignem, u jednoj od sarajevskih aščinica. Najdraža mi je aščinica AŠDŽ, koju toplo preporučujem, ukoliko želite isprobati tradicionalnu bosansku kuhinju, naročito deserte :)  Za više informacija, slika i dojmovima pročitajte prošlogodišnji post o posjeti Sarajevu, kao i recept za starinske gurabije ili halvu!





Serves 6
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Za 6-7 tufahija potrebno je
Agda/ šećerni sirup
  1. 0,5 l vode
  2. 0,5 kg šećera (ja sam smanjila na 300 g)
  3. 1 vanilin šećer
  4. sok od 1 limuna
  5. 6-7 jabuka
  1. 100g oraha, mljevenih
  2. 50 g badema, mljevenih
  3. naribana limunova kora
  4. 250 ml šlaga ( *150 ml idu u nadjev, 100 ml za dekoraciju)
  5. višnje, trešnje, bademi ili orasi za dekoraciju
  1. Agda (sirup): u lonac staviti vodu, šećer, limunov sok i vanilin šećer, kratko prokuhati.
  2. Iz jabuka izvaditi sredine, oguliti ih, zatim ih staviti u sirup i kuhati na laganoj vatri otprilike 5 minuta.
  3. Paziti da se ne prekuhaju i raspadnu! Kuhane jabuke izvaditi iz posude i ostaviti da se ohlade (otprilike 30 minuta).
  4. Doke se jabuke hlade, pripremiti nadjev: staviti mljevene orahe i bademe, koru limuna, šećer i 150 ml šlaga, sve dobor promiješati.
  5. Jabuke puniti nadjevom, i prije serviranja ukrasiti šlagom i trešnjom ili višnjom. Po želji posuti mljevenim orasima.

A uz tufahiju najbolje prija jedna kafica :)  Do not forget to order coffee with your dessert, traditional way :)

bos kafa_


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