Frozen Himbeer Yoghurt/ Smrznuti jogurt s malinama/ Raspberry Frozen Yoghurt

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Rimski car Neron, poznat i kao veliki gurman, smislio je način kako se za ljetnih žega počastiti nečim sočnim i voćnim pa je naredio da se s planina donese mnogo leda, a zatim ga je miješao s voćnim sokovima. I tako je nekako dobio ono što danas znamo kao sorbet. A sve zajedno bismo mogli nazvati pretečom sladoleda.

Kineski kralj Tango je začeo sladoled pripremajući mješavinu od leda i mlijeka.
Prvi Europljanin koji je imao čast kušati ledenu kremu bio je Marko Polo, međutim za pravi dolazak sladoleda u Europu zaslužni su Arapi koji su za vrijeme svoje vladavine na Siciliji upoznali Talijane s vještinom zamrzavanja sladoledne kreme.Nakon toga, od 1500. godine, otkako ga je talijanski kuhar servirao na svadbi Katarine de Medici i francuskog kralja Henryja II. talijanski se sladoled počeo širiti svijetom i u njemu je uživalo sve više i više ljudi.
Smrznuti jogurt, koji uz dodatak voća predstavlja odličnu alternativu za klasični kremasti (i naravno kaloričniji) sladoled, i kod nas je po ovim vrućinama hit! Ovog puta sam pravila smrznuti jogurt s malinama, koji je, uz dodatak meni obožavanog limuna (mislim, da sam jedan-dvaput spomenula kako volim limun ;)), broj 1 na mojoj top listi osvježavajućih deserta!  
frozen yoghurt.
Sastojci (za 4- 5 osobe):
700 g čvrstog jogurta (1,5 %)
120 ml soka od limuna (svježe ocijeđenog)
120 ml agavinog sirupa (ili meda)
350 g malina (svježih, još bolje: smrznutih)
Stavite jogurt i limunov sok, i dobro izmiješajte mikserom, i na kraju dodajte agavin sirup (ili med- po želji) te još jednom dobro izmiješajte dok ne dobijete smjesu bez grudvica.
Onda stavite jogurtnu smjesu u plastičnu posudu s poklopce i stavite u zamrzivač. Izvadite posudu nakon 1 sata, pa dobro promiješajte zbog spriječavanja kristalizacije leda. Postupak ponovite 2-3 puta. Držite smjesu u zamrzivaču do posluživanja.
Ako imate aparat za pravljenje sladoleda, stavite jogurtnu masu u njega, i pustite da odradi svoje :)

Prije serviranja ukrasite jogurt mentom ili malinama (ili nekim drugim bobičastim voćem), i uživajte!

Jogurt nije previše sladak, dominira kiselkasti okus  maline i limuna, ali ako vam je slađa varijanta draža, jednostavno možete smanjiti ili potpuno izostaviti sok od limuna, i dodajte više agavinog sirupa(ili meda).
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Gefrorener Joghurt, der mit der Zugabe von Früchten eine ausgezeichnete Alternative zu den klassisch cremigen (und natürlich auch kalorienreicheren) ist, ist  bei diesen hohen Sommertemperaturen bei uns der Hit! Dieses Mal habe ich gefrorenen Joghurt mit Himbeeren zubereitet, welches, in Kombination mit meiner heißgeliebten Zitrone (ich habe ja schon ein, oder zweimal erwähnt, dass ich Zitronen liebe…:) unsere Nummer 1 der erfrischendsten Desserts diesen Sommer ist!
Zutaten (4 -5 Portionen):

700 g Joghurt (1,5%)
120 ml Zitronensaft (frisch gepresst))
120 ml Agaven-Dicksaft (oder Honig)
350 g Himbeeren (frisch, noch besser, tiefgefroren)



Den Joghurt mit dem Zitronensaft (wer es nicht mag,  Zitronensaft weglassen) gut vermischen (mixen),  dann  Agaven-Sirup (oder Honig– nach Belieben) dazugeben.  Wieder gut vermischen, eine klumpenfreie Masse entsteht.

Dann  Joghurt-Gemisch in einen Kunststoffbehälter mit Deckel ins Gefrierfach geben. Nehmen Sie den Behälter nach ca. 1 Stunde aus dem Fach, dann gut umrühren, um die Eis- Kristallisierung zu verhindern.  2-3 mal wiederholen (jede Stunde) . Joghurt-Mischung im Gefrierfach bis kurz vor dem Servieren  behalten .

Wenn Eismaschine vorhanden: Joghurtmasse reingeben und warten, bis das Frozen
Yoghurt na ca. 40 Min. fertig ist.
Vor dem Servieren, mit Minze (nach Belieben)  und Himbeeren (oder andere Beeren) garnieren, und genießen!

Das Yoghurt ist nicht allzu süß, es dominiert die Himbeer/Zitronensaüre, aber wer es lieber etwas süßer mag, einfach Zitronensaft reduzieren oder ganz weglassen, und mehr Agavensirup (oder Honig) hinzugeben.
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The Roman emperor Nero, well known as a gourmet, found a way to summer heat treat with something juicy and fruity, so he ordered plenty of ice from the nearby mountains, and then he mixed the ice with fruit juices. So he somehow got what we know today as the sorbet. And all together we might call it the forerunner of ice cream.

Chinese King of Tango let his cooks prepare a mixture of ice cream and ice milk.

The first Europeans who had the privilege to taste the ice cream was Marco Polo, but the Arabs are responsible for the real arrival of ice cream in Europe, they introduced the Italians to the art of freezing ice creams.

From 1500. onwards, when an Italian chef served Italian ice cream at the wedding of Catherine de Medici and the French king Henry II. , ice cream consumation began spreading in the world, and more and more people enjoyed this delicious dessert! 

Frozen yogurt, which- with the addition of fruit- makes an excellent alternative to the classic creamy (and of course caloric) ice cream, is this summer’s hit at our home! This time I made frozen yogurt with raspberries, which, in combination with my beloved lemons (I think I mentioned once or twice that I looove lemons :) is our number 1 of refreshing desserts!

(serves 4 to 5)
Recipe source: own creation

 700 g yoghurt (1.5%)
120 ml lemon juice (freshly squeezed))
120 ml of agave syrup (or honey)
350 g raspberries (fresh, even better, frozen)

Mix yogurt with the lemon juice (if you do not like lemons, omit lemon juice), mix well, then add agave syrup (or honey to taste). Mix well again, until you get a creamy texture.

Pour the yogurt mixture into a plastic container and freeze it. Take the container after 1 hour out of  the freezer, stir well to prevent ice crystallization. Repeat 2-3 times (every hour). Keep the yogurt mixture in the freezer until just before serving. 

If you have an ice machine: Pour the well mixed yogurt mixture into the ice machine container, let it do its work, and wait for the frozen yogurt to be finished in about 40 minutes

Before serving, garnish with mint (optional) and raspberries (or other berries), and enjoy!

The yogurt is not too sweet, the raspberry and lemon sourness dominates. If you would like a sweeter version, just reduce or omit the lemon juice and add more agave syrup or honey.

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