Pumpkin Apple Cinnamon Jam & Printable Jam Labels | džem od bundeve, jabuke i cimeta & naljepnice za džem
I know, I know, I am posting only marmelade recipes lately, but that is what I have been doing mostly, preserving fruit! It is becoming my obsession, and so I am sharing the recipes I like most with you :) After Honey Apple Rum Jam and Hokkaido Pumpkin Coconut Jam now it is time to post the recipe for a delicious Pumpkin Apple Cinnamon Jam. If you love spices like cinnamon, you will love this jam!
I have been creating some labels lately too, and as I have received emails from my readers asking me where I get them from, I got the idea that I could also share some of my designed printable labels with you! All you will need is a colour lasered to print these labels. Hope you like them and maybe use them on your next batch of jam! I would be delighted! For download, please scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the links. No registration required. Have fun!

Znam, znam, ja u posljednje vijeme objavljujem samo recepte za marmelade i džemove, ali moram priznati da mi to ovih tmurnih, hladnih dana pričinjava takvo zadovoljstvo, jer opuštam se maksimalno dok stojim u kuhinji, miješajući voćkice i eksperimentirajući, smišljajući nove kombinacije… Ukrašavanje gotovih teglica se također razvija u novi hobi. :) Nakon mednog džema s jabukama, rumom i prženim sjemenkama suncokreta, marmelade od hokkaido bundeve i kokosa dijelim s vama recept za mirisni džem od bundeve, jabuka i cimeta. Spoj sastojaka je savršen, boja mu je intenzivno narančasta, a miris cimeta će, svakog ko obožava ovaj divni začin, oduševiti!
S obzirom da sam dobila već nekoliko upita putem e-maila kako nabaviti etikete za džem, pomislila sam da vam poklonim nekoliko naljepnica koje sam u posljednje vrijeme za sebe pravila, možda nekog „pekmezoljupca“ obradujem ovim uljepšivačima staklenki, to bi mi bilo jako drago! :) Sve što vam je potrebno je printer, ljepilo, škare i malo deblji papir!
Ispod svake slike imate i link za download :-)

Just right-click and save the image. All are in png Format.
Or click the download link below the pictures.

Note: These designs are copyright of Tanja’s Cooking Corner. Please don’t use these for commercial purposes, don’t alter the designs and don’t offer them for download on your own site – link to this page instead. Thank you!