Oats & Dates Cookies/ Keksići s datulama i zobenim pahuljicama

I am a big fan of oatmeal, especially in cookies. I love experimenting with ingredients I have on hand, then combining with oatmeal, and when they turn out crisp, and chewy inside, I trully enjoy every bite of it… When Sawsan posted her recipe for oats and dates ranger cookies, I bookmarked it right away and knew I would try it out soon. This was months ago, and since then I have been making these cookies regularly, for friends and guests, and all I can say is that they are always a hit! This recipe allows modifications up to your taste and preference, you can add nuts, once I have added chopped pistachios (a very good idea!), once I have added raisins instead of cranberries. Heavenly! If you do not know Sawsan’s beautiful blog yet, I would strongly recommend you to visit her on Chef on Disguise, you will find an amazing mix of middle eastern cuisine with food around the globe, inspiring and precise recipes, and beautiful photography. 
oats dates cokies 1
Oats & Dates Cookies 
Slightly adapted from: Chef in Disguise
Makes about 40 cookies.
113 g butter, room temperature
200 g brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1,5 teaspoons vanilla essence (I used homemade)
1 egg
160 g all purpose flour
85 g rolled or instant oats
85 g pitted whole dates (optional: raisins)
110 g coconut flakes
 *You may add chopped nuts and/or pistachios, up to your taste.
  • Preheat oven on 180°C/ 375 F.
  • In a bowl beat butter with an electric mixer for about 30 seconds. Add brown sugar, baking powder and baking soda, combine well. Then add egg and vanilla essence, combine well. Beat in as much of the flour as you can with the mixer. Then with a wooden spoon, stir in remaining flour. Add coconut, oats, dates and mix until well combined. The dough will be crumbly, but it will be no problem to roll and form them in your hand. 
  • Press the dough in your hand and form balls. 
  • Leave 3-4 cm between cookie balls, place them on a baking sheet. 
  • Bake at 180°C/ 375 F for about 8 minutes until golden brown. Do not let them get too brown, this may happen quickly. 
  • Let cool. Enjoy!

Volim zobene pahulje, jedem ih, uz dodatak voća, s medom,  rado za doručak, redovno ih stavljam u kolače i keksiće, pravim često pogačice sa zobenim pahuljama, i vrlo rado eksperimentiram s njima. Kad sam na blogu Chef in Disguise otkrila recept za keksiće s datulama, odmah sam ga zabilježila i vrlo brzo i isprobala. Pun pogodak! Datule keksićima daju poseban šmek, i upozoravam vas, jako su zarazni i uz šoljicu kafe ili čaja nestaju u trenu! Slike već mjesecima čekaju u draftu, u međuvremenu sam ove kekse pravila mnogo puta, malo se igrala sa sastojcima, dodavala npr. sjeckane lješnjake, bademe, pa i pistacije (s pistacijama su meni lično najbolji). Recept dozvoljava modifikacije, pustite mašti na volju i iskombinirajte keksiće po vašem ukusu!

Keksići s datulama i zobenim pahuljicama
Originalni recept: Chef in Disguise, s malim izmjenama.
Za otprilike 40 keksića je potrebno
113 g maslaca, sobne temperature
200 g smeđeg šećera
1/2 žličice prašak za pecivo
1/4 žličice sode bikarbone
1 jaje
1,5 žličice esencije vanilije (stavila sam domaću)
160 g brašna (oštro ili glatko)
85 g zobenih pahulja
110 g kokosa
85 g sjeckanih datula (ili grožđica)
* Možete dodati sjeckane lješnjake, orahe ili pistacije, po ukusu. 
  • Zagrijte pećnicu na 180°C. Obložite lim papirom za pečenje.
  • U zdjeli pjenasto izradite maslac, otprilike 30 sekundi. Dodajte šećer, prašak za pecivo, sodu bikarbonu, izmiješajte. Umiješajte jaje i vanilu, pa postepeno dodajte brašno, onoliko koliko mikser može podnijeti,  jer će tijesto biti jako gusto. Ostatak brašna dodajte i umiješajte spatulom. Na kraju umiješajte zobene pahulje, kokos, sjeckane datule. 
  • Tijesto će biti mrvljivo, ali ne brinite, formiranje kuglica neće biti problem. Oblikujte kuglice i složite na pripremljeni lim ostavljajući dovoljno razmaka između njih (otprilike 3-4 cm). 
  • Peći na 180°C otprilike 8 minuta, dok keksi ne dobiju zlatno smeđu boju. Pazite da ne potamne previše, lako mogu da se prepeku!
  • Ostaviti da se ohlade. Keksiće spremite u limenu kutiju. Uživajte!:)

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